In an ever more connected world is there an advantage to offering wi-fi to your customers? To answer that you need to ask yourself a couple of questions:

  1. Would you have the opportunity to gain more sales by having your clients spend more time at your business? Many people may think no, Louis Rosas-Guyon, president of R2 Computing, a business technology consultancy in North Miami, Fla., says yes. Rosas-Guyon, whose company has installed 142 Wi-Fi access points for small businesses, says most small business owners have little to lose by doing so. “Connectivity and Internet access are rapidly becoming second nature to us all,” he says. “Humans are becoming far more digitally social animals and there are significant business advantages to this new trend.”
    Coffee shops can obviously benefit, Motels are another option.. But imagine you have a customer sitting waiting for something in your business, perhaps a vehicle service or an accounting report, if you have free wifi the chances are that person is going to sit down at your business and do something on their phone/tablet/laptop. Are they surrounded by advertising for your suppliers or your services? Suddenly you have a captive market that is taking in that info. You can also advertise via your hotspot login page. Not many businesses wouldn’t benefit from that.
  2. Are your competition potentially stealing your customers by providing wifi where you are not? You may not realise it but more and more people are looking for free wifi to help decide where they go for services, especially if they are likely to have to spend any amount of time there, don’t let your competition beat you to that market

What can we offer for a Wifi solution for your business?

Technology Solutions has the equipment and the know how to set up a low cost, easy maintenance, simple management solution for offering free wifi to your customers.

For as little as $130 + GST plus labour we can have a wifi hotspot available to your clients which is fully isolated from your business network. This can mean that anyone in your business can connect to the open wifi network, and they’ll be provided with a login page which can give you the opportunity to provide advertisements or logos for your business, they can then select an option to activate free internet for x MB’s or enter a user/pass combo provided by you via an easy interface

In the end, you have to ask yourself, can you afford to not provide wifi to your customers?

So if you’re in need of some help with wifi, or even just some free friendly advice, get in touch with us, 6-370 8093.

To discuss how Tech Solutions can help call us on 0800 878 878.